Tuesday, September 16, 2008

If I could do anything in the world....

If I could do anything in the world, I'd travel around the world for a long period, maybe one or two years, but not only to find new people, cultures or languages. I'd also like to do lots of dance courses, especially jazz, to learn as much as I can.

When I started to think about what I would do If I could do anything in the world, the first ideia that I came up with was about dance, my real passion. Although, I'm really interested in other people, in other cultures and in different languages. I wish I could speak a lot of languages, it's something that fascinates me a lot. So, I decided to link this desires.

I would travel for all continents of the world and try to get the best experience of each country. I think I'd learn a lot, because each place has its own way of life, its language and meeting new people is superb. It's also a good way to do a real change in our lives. Besides, it'd help me a lot to have jazz classes in various countries, because I'd be able to try something new all the time and take all the suggestions on board. I wish I were a professional dancer and had my own group of dance and a dance centre to shower people who love dancing everything I would know. I'd be absolutely over the moon about it.

In my point of view, it would be a great opportunity not only in my personal interest, but also in any kind of interest. Having experiences abroad count for your job, your hobby and especially for your life!

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